7.5 inches, 925 sterling
Oregon Sunstone has a sunny vitality and is for leadership, it is supposed to be a stone of optimism and good will. It is an ordinary looking stone with exceptional qualities. As a stone of the leaders it promotes independence and originality, it gently and lovingly encourages accepting responsibilities and enhances organizational skills. Lifting up all fears and stress it is believed to bring good luck.
It facilitates the person to explore and expand his possibilities as well as when a conclusion needs to be built, it offers clarity and power to work in accord with the higher will and determination. It is often believed that Sunstone carries the energy of the sun god (Ra); this stone is supposed to bring openness, personal power in the same way as of god’s energy whose energy brings all potential life from inside the world. Recognized as a joyful stone, the wearer of this stone will truly reflect the willingness and ability to bestow blessings upon others, it touches on the enjoyment of life, benevolence and warmth, mental clarity and extended awareness.
Oregon Sunstone names for its warm shades like the sun (gold, orange, reds, and browns) and is a member of the Feldspar family. Reflecting the qualities of Light, it brings strength and provides a sense of abundance. The Stone makes an individual a limitless being, with many opportunities to bring greater light to his physical body and his physical world.
Oregon Sunstone is inspirational in attracting fame, unlooked prosperity, and enlightening talents. It is considered to be an excellent good luck crystal for competitions if put on a workstation, it aids to increase the profile and brings opportunities for leadership and advancement. Those who are in the online business and advertising get its benefits because it is supposed to be a mind's inspiration.
Like each ray of the sun reflects with different energies and vibrations Sunstone too have different vibes and energies linked with different colors. Gold color, traditionally the color of kings and the golden energy of the Sunstone touch a deep part of the wearer's mind, and ought to bring success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power. This color the color of riches to have different shades light and dark. Light Gold crystals provide cheerfulness and contentment the uncomplicated joys of life, whereas on the other hand dark gold crystals have a richer, more pronounced sense of idolatry and dedication, providing us with a mature enthusiasm and ability to partake in a lifelong commitment to care and love.
Sunstone is happy and sharing stone with an energy of orange color; it is supposed to bring joy and pleasure, adding the lovable memories of our communal lives as well as friendship and family togetherness. Orange color, vigor and vibrations of this stone make it a stone of physical pleasure and intimacy, the lighter crystals promotes companionship and affection while the darker ones deepen the sense of belonging, family and home. When dressed as a pendant, it brings the heart's wisdom into alliance with the mind's insights.
When the vivacity of pure blood red ray with high spirits combines with the joyful orange ray, then scarlet energy is released by this fiery sunstone. These rays reflect strength and vitality, both physically and spiritually. It is considered that the crystals of this energy ray protects an individual from physical impairment and aid to improve self-reliance with skills and leads to victory.
Lightly tinted red-orange rays are proving to be an excellent amulet for dedication in young relationships; on the other hand dark ones are the key to the physical pleasures of maturity whether in love, in life or in relationships.
Core Red rays bring self-confidence built with concern and reflect passion, energy, and life spirit. This ray radiates motivating energy; it supplies a source of force if the wearer is dependent on others emotionally or has suffered the sudden loss of a spouse. Dark Red crystals, particularly used for increasing devotion and taking in the earnestness of life. It is likewise an excellent crystal for phobia sufferers.